I know it seems I have been M.I.A. for a few days. I've been a woman on the run having computer with drawls! I got home from work yesterday and immediately changed my grungy clothes and made a mad dash to town before the bank closed. We took the kids to Colton's to eat. Everyone loves
going because you get to throw peanut shells on the floor. Then we went to three different stores trying to find school shoes for the girls. Of course everything the girls liked the store was out of their size. Then this morning we got up bright and early to go to a garage sale and then straight to the eye doctor for the girls eye exams and don't forget grocery shopping. We had World War III in
Wal-mart vision center.
Makayla needed glasses and Sophie didn't.... need I say more. The entire time I grocery shopped
Makayla kept looking at Sophie saying, "glasses" and then of course Sophie would burst into tears because she wanted glasses but didn't get any. I'm happy to finally be home on the computer. The kids are screaming in the background, but I'm choosing to block it out at the moment! Now, on to the real reason you're here...FOOD. I have 4 zucchini's on my counter ready to be made into some yummy creation. I know at least one will be reserved for these wonderful brownies. Thanks
Kara for posting these! They're rich,
chocolaty and delicious. I took these to Sunday dinner at my grandma's and everyone raved. Enjoy :)
brownies1 1/2 cups sugar
3/4 cup oil
2 tsp vanilla
2 cups grated zucchini
2 cups flour1/3 cup cocoa
1 1/2 tsp soda
1 tsp salt
1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional)
Whisk sugar, oil, vanilla, and zucchini till blended. Stir in remaining ingredients. Spread into a greased 9x13" pan. Bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes or till toothpick comes out clean. Frost with chocolate frosting.
frostingFrosting:3 Tbsp melted butter2 Tbsp cocoa2 cups powdered sugar 2-3 Tbsp buttermilk or milkdash of salt1 tsp vanillaStir together butter and cocoa till smooth. Beat in remaining ingredients, adding milk till it's the consistency you like.
I've never had zucchini in anything baked. I really really need to get to it already!
Hope your Sunday's a peaceful one! :)
The brownies sound great!
Is this Makayla's first pair of glasses? If it is, take my advice and order two pairs. My daughter wears glasses and we only got her one pair the first time around. When they broke, she had to wear them with a terrible looking fix until the new pair came in. We learned our lesson, and now she always has a backup pair.
Love this recipe for zucchini brownies. They sound yummy!
Thanks for linking to me btw!
Jenn @ rookno17.blogspot.com
P.S. Love your happy music!
Stopping by from SITS! Congrats on being the FB.