Is this not a cool looking dessert? Who doesn't love jello? It's just plain fun :) It jiggles. It's colorful. It's yummy. It's healthy. Sounds like a winner to me! This jello recipe is one of my very favorites from my mom. I always remember her making it for Easter dinner. The colors remind me of spring and it brings back some funny memories. One year when I was about 12 my cousin Amy and I snagged two big helpings each of this dessert along with ziploc bags... and we didn't eat one bite of it. Can you guess what we did? Let's just say we filled our bras out a little better that afternoon. We learned jello does jiggle, but not for long when it melts due to body heat! I wish I wouldn't have wasted it because this dessert's very tasty! When trying to come up with a dessert to take for Easter dinner this year, I didn't have to think very long before I was craving this colorful concoction. Luckily my mom was able to dig up the recipe. It's very simple to make, but time consuming because you have to let the jello firm up before doing the next layer. I highly recommend this light dessert (for eating but not for bust enhancement)! Enjoy :)
2 boxes lime jello
2 boxes lemon jello
2 boxes strawberry jello
2 boxes orange jello
(you can use any jello flavors you wish, but make sure you get 2 boxes of each color)
2 cans evaporated milk (3 cups)
Lightly spray 9x13 dish. Mix 1 cup boiling water with lime jello. Stir until dissolved and add 1/2 cup cold water. Pour into dish and refrigerate until firm. Mix 3/4 cup boiling water with 2nd box of lime jello. Stir until dissolved and add 3/4 cup evaporated milk; mix well. Pour onto first layer of lime jello and refrigerate until firm. Repeat with all other flavors of jello.
The jello does look so bright and pretty and it's a cool dessert to eat.
Hmmmm Layered Tequilla Jello Shooters;)
This looks so pretty and delicious!
My kids would LOVE this jello! Bookmarking to try - after I have 2 boxes of everything!
I'm such a weirdo ....I don't really like jello.