Guess what? I made a taco-related meal again! Imagine that... it's been over a week and we were having
withdrawls. I found this recipe a few weeks ago at
Running away? I'll help you pack! and knew I must try it. I made half the recipe and baked it on a cookie sheet. Alexis uses a pizza stone for hers. This is a Pampered Chef's recipe, but I'm to cheap to buy Pampered Chef. I have the batter bowl you can make Barbie cakes with (you know the kind you stick a Barbie down in and the cake looks like a skirt). I LOVE the batter bowl. I use it all the time although I have made one Barbie cake and it didn't turn out very well! I
received it as a Christmas gift because I would have been to cheap to buy it! I buy items like that used at a garage sale! Enough about me being cheap... this taco ring was super! It was very easy and everyone loved it! The best thing's that it
chinged in at only about $1.40 per serving (it could be more or less depending on how fancy you get with the toppings). Brad didn't even get leftovers for his lunch. Enjoy... we sure did!
2 cans crescent rolls
1 lb. ground beef
1 pkg. taco seasoning
1 cup shredded cheese
toppingsshredded lettuce
diced tomato
chopped onion
sour cream
black olives
Cook and drain beef. Add seasoning and cook according to seasoning packages directions (mine you added 3/4 cup water and brought to a boil then simmered 5 minutes). Arrange unrolled crescent roll triangles in a circle shape overlapping them with the points facing out. It will look like a big sun. (If you are confused click
here because Alexis has pictures of this step). Place meat around the ring and sprinkle with cheese. Fold triangle points over filling and bake at 375 for 20-25 minutes (about 15 minutes if you half the recipe like I did). Place toppings in the open part in the center and serve.
Pampered chef has some great, easy recipes don't they!
they are great for a wedding/bridal shower.