***Happy 2 year Blog-a-versary to me! I will be sharing my families favorites this weekend. What has been your favorite recipe?***
Get a big bowl (a mixing bowl) of nice clean snow (no grass or dirt). Stir in enough milk to make it have an ice cream consistency. Add a splash of vanilla and enough sugar to make it sweet. There are no measurements. You must taste and tell if the amount of sugar is right for you. I like mine sweet to make up for my general sourness :)
I always use a can of sweetened condensed milk in mine. It gives it a great ice creamy texture!
Would you believe I've lived in Indiana my entire life and have NEVER heard of snow ice cream?!? My kids would have so much fun collecting snow outside and then turning it into one of their all-time favorite treats...ice cream! Can't wait to give this a try!